Why gerrymandering is vital for democracy

Why gerrymandering is vital for democracy

Much has been written about elections lately. Much of it has been Woke flim-flam designed to distract attention from the real story. This is my two farthings’ worth. 

The great Brexit victory in Hartlepool has been celebrated nationally. The continuing success of the SNP, although this means that, regrettably, we must cast Scotland adrift sooner or later, at least successfully suppresses the traitor Labour vote. The last victory of the triumvirate should be the London Mayor. 

Unfortunately, polling suggests another win for Khan. Fortunately, our patriotic allies are responsible for collating and counting postal votes. 

Our mission is clear. If we are to save our Capital from the scourges of Wokeism, Socialism, and affordable public transport, Khan must not be allowed to win. It is our patriotic duty to lance this boil, this stain on the country. We must turn London blue if we are ever to turn the world pink again. 

The solution is obvious. With a little creative accounting, sufficient postal votes to defeat Khan may be discovered. 

Some may call this gerrymandering. I call it Democracy. This is an example of the Right People ensuring the Right Result. And the sooner London wakes from its Woke delusions, the better for everyone. 

In this, we have the backing of individuals close to the Prime Minister, including one very close indeed. And I don’t mean Russian Carrie or Rupert Murdoch. 

Ultimately we may be able to remove elections completely. After all, The People have spoken, they love Boris and Brexit, is it really necessary to keep on asking them? To me, this actually comes across as rude and disrespectful. People want to get on with their lives without being asked to vote every five years. 

Thus we may maintain the status quo, and the natural order of British Life may continue unabated. 
