Why the Woke must realise that Free Speech is a privilege, not a right

Why the Woke must realise that Free Speech is a privilege, not a right

It’s not big, and it’s not clever. In England we value free speech, but this is a privilege to be earned. The ghastly, hateful Woke Brigade must understand that tossing casual insults about is not to be tolerated. 

The government should make policing free speech a priority, now that England is riding the wave of Brexit success. A reputable and unbiased Free Speech Tsar must be appointed, and this Tsar must then come down hard on those who make undemocratic or unpatriotic statements. 

We require a statesman of the highest calibre. His track record must be impeccable, and he must be widely respected, even admired, for his dedication to Queen and country. Our ideal candidate would be Nigel Farage. 

Then finally we, as a great nation, will be free of remoaning traitors, who refuse to accept democracy. No more will we be obliged to listen to the deranged witterings of the country-hating Woke. These people must recognise that they have forfeited any rights they may have thought they had. 

We trust that Mr Farage, once appointed, will set up re-education centres for the dreadful Woke, to ensure that they never again threaten the English way of life. They need to learn to join the Silent Majority. 

Mr Farage needs to start a Crusade. He now has an appropriate platform for his talents on GB News. He should encourage patriots to report abuses of free speech, even if said in jest.

The new re-education centres, which should be built on the old lorry parks in Kent (since there is no longer any cross-channel trade), will break the resolve of the Woke. There they will learn of the necessity of truth, as defined by the excellent Daily Express. 

There should also be compulsory flag worship. The National Anthem should be sung six times a day, followed by Land of Hope And Glory and a showing of the 1966 Cup Final. 

Should inmates behave acceptably, they may be allowed out on parole in order to have a Patriotic Pint in Wetherspoons. 

And nobody, nobody will ever call us Gammon again. 
