Why restricting the flow of money is vital for the economy

Why restricting the flow of money is vital for the economy

Who needs the trickle down effect? Why the waste? If water trickled from one’s reservoir, one would call an engineer to stem the flow. It is similar with money.

The Woke Brigade won’t like it, but the truth is that the economy must be run by those who know best. In this case, the best people are those accustomed to handling reasonable sums. To guarantee the value of those reasonable sums, we must ensure that none leaks away, to be squandered by Woke scroungers on luxuries like food and shelter.

In order to motivate the same scroungers, unfettered competition will ensure the survival of the fittest. The next James Dyson or Tim Martin could emerge from this swarm of lean, mean, unwashed hoi polloi.

However as we all know, unfettered competition can be wasteful when there is too much money involved. This is the gambling analogy. You only play with an amount you are willing to lose. Even smaller amounts, like the average PPE contract, could, in the wrong hands, cause disruption to the status quo. 

At the highest levels, the economy must be carefully managed for the benefit of all. Then the aforementioned reasonable sums may be shuffled around the markets, gaining interest all the while, and then it’s new yachts all round.

We call on the Government to introduce a glass ceiling for finance. By guaranteeing that the historical big players remain in the financial super league, our investments may be protected. It’s exhibition finance, and the grass roots can look after themselves.

Indeed, there is a strong argument for money to trickle up, so that the economy may grow even further. This benefits everyone, well everyone who matters. Every economy needs a stimulus from time to time, so raising taxes for the undeserving Woke scroungers below the poverty line – I mean, glass ceiling – would provide a desperately needed bonus for those struggling to survive with only one historical country estate.

There is no good reason to pass money to the lower orders. They would only spend it.
