Why building a big yacht will solve the refugee crisis

Why building a big yacht will solve the refugee crisis

In the brave new world of gesture politics, it’s the biggest gesture that has the most effect. And Boris Johnson is the true master of the outrageous gesture. 

So it’s great news that the new, no-longer Royal yacht has already doubled in price before the ink on the blueprints is dry. The more expensive something is, the better it must be. This is a lesson in economics that the Woke remainer country-haters must learn. 

The mere fact that a yacht is a high status ocean going vessel will solve the migrant crisis at a stroke. The HMS Nigel Farage will instantly raise the standards of cross-channel shipping to such a level that the obsolete coracles these illegals habitually use will simply not be permitted to sully our waters. 

Before long, these chancers will be fleeing before the might of Global Britain. Brittania will, once again, rule the waves. But to be absolutely sure, the phrase “Go home, foreigners!” will be broadcast, over and over again, very slowly and loudly so that even the thickest migrant can understand. 

Another lesson the Woke penny-pinchers must learn is that any problem may be overcome by throwing money at it. The fact that the Woke Brigade fail to realise this is just jealousy because they Wokely give away their money to so-called good causes like the RNLI. 

The sooner this great yacht is launched, the sooner we can get back to our normal lives, free from the tedious obligation to feed and house those who cannot be bothered to be born into the right families. 

And if the migrants still come, then we must build and launch the HMS Priti Patel as a matter of extreme urgency. 
