Why Boris has got it right again

Why Boris has got it right again

The superb leadership shown by Boris Johnson and his team is unmatched in history. Once again he has shown that he is the finest leader of this country since William the Conqueror, even down to his harrying of the Red Wall.

One refers to the easing of lockdown, of course. Boris has been right to be cautious, while he rolled out his vaccination programme. Now this monumental project is nearing completion, he is once again right to permit normality to resume.

Cautious is the watchword. We must Stay Alert still. But since caution is second nature to Boris, we can do no better than to follow his lead. Let us embrace one another again, cautiously and with social distancing, in the same way that we embrace Brexit.

The Woke Brigade will criticise, naturally. That is their purpose in life, to suck all the joy out of it, like lefties everywhere. But they are wrong, as usual. British Freedom is so much more important than hiding, timorously. The British are lions, not mice.

Let me dismiss another Woke complaint. The Indian variant, they claim, is in England and spreading. But the Indian variant surely only affects Indian people. It’s how these things work. And there should not be any Indian people in England, no more than there should be English people in India, except to teach the Indians how Democracy and Imperial Might operate.

So let us embrace our freedom. Let us embrace each other. Let us fall upon wenches like a wardrobe with a particularly large key in the door. Let social distancing refer, once again, solely to the distance between the social classes of Olde Englande.

Boris has played a blinder. It’s back to basics, natural selection, devil take the hindmost, survival of the fittest. But don’t hug me. One does not do hugs.
