Stop whining over dirty waterways – clean EU beaches are only a short haul away

Stop whining over dirty waterways – clean EU beaches are only a short haul away

It is wearily predictable that the enemies of Great British democracy are raising a stink over the perfectly natural motion of sewage discharges into waterways. What is more civilised than using the natural environment as a toilet? The bears do it. The birds do it. For millennia people have done it too. It is a concocted outpouring that ignores how easily the Channel currents carry our stools to France. Just look at how easily Lord Frost travels from the UK to the Continent as an endless discharge of effluent.

The dissolute Woke love to reference the advances brought by the Romans to these sacred islands, but pretend they did not use natural British water supplies to flush out their Italian toilets? A selective view of history that does not serve when it comes to the need to update our infrastructure.

Why also so much needless handwringing when the UK is already the most ecologically depleted country in Europe? What is harm is done when there aren’t many animals left anyway. Apart from those patriotically reared to be shot for sport by the nation’s natural governors.

The false bottom of the criticism of Johnson’s government intentionally ignores other key factors. Since the sewerage was installed in the Victorian era the Tories have been out of power for a massive twenty years in total. The failure of the capitalist hating, radical far left Marxists to update the national piping when they had ample opportunity can hardly be visited at the feet of the current Tory government. We all know it only assumed power late in 2019 from the socialists that went before it.

And there is an obvious solution if you do not wish to swim in the Great British effluent. You simply fly to the Continent and use their beaches. While there you stay in your second, third, fourth home or the villa of a foreign party donor. Nothing could be simpler. The only negative is the Continental inability to recognise the pandemic is over and the tiresome need to wear a mask. Consider it a fly in the ointment.

At the end of the day it is the EU’s fault. They ruled Britannia with an iron first for decades and did nothing to coerce us to force private water utilities to reinvest a portion of their massive profits into upgrading the pipes. It’s just as well we did Brexshit. Sovereign British waters can only improve from this point because of it.
