It’s time we moved on from whingeing about the cost of living

It’s time we moved on from whingeing about the cost of living

It’s the constant chorus from the Woke lefty brigade. “Things should be better.” Well, I’ve got news for you, Wokies. Things ain’t better. So it’s time you all put a sock in it and got used to how things are. 

“Oh dear, oh dear,” they say, wringing their hands (as if that would make any difference). “Isn’t it awful! The price of an avocado has gone up by 20p! How on Earth will we cope?” Well, here’s some good honest advice. Remember the poor avocado farmers. Don’t they need to eat, too? And if you run out of money because you can’t be bothered to forego the occasional piece of fruit, then you either need to learn to budget better, or simply get a better job. 

And don’t come to us with sob stories about homeless freezing hungry people. If they had sorted their lives out properly, they wouldn’t be in this mess. Look upon their plight as a valuable life lesson. Pull your bone idle fingers out, or die. It’s as simple as that.

It’s only being cruel to be kind. These people are poor for a reason. And the sooner they realise that, the better. It’s nobody else’s business to help them out. You can whine all you like, but you’ve got to look after Number One. 

Rishi Sunak is right to raise taxes for the losers in life in his budget. After all, failure must be punished, and success rewarded with a nice fat handout, so that 10% may be tithed to the Conservative Party. This is an important lesson, Wokies. If you manage to get into the best schools, get on the fast track to a cushy job, and grease the right palms, then you will never have the money worries that currently nag away at you.

It’s a simple question of making the right decisions, including the correct choice of parents.
