It’s time the UK chose a genuine patriot as PM

It’s time the UK chose a genuine patriot as PM

Boris Johnson has failed. This is a painful truth that must, in any functioning democracy, be faced. Brexit was a bodge. Johnson has also sat on the covid fence far too long. It is high time that the UK had a true patriot and leader of men in Number Ten.

Of all the most loyal men, one stands head and shoulders below the rest. A man, who has been cruelly mocked for his resemblance to a cartoon superhero’s sidekick, yet has endured the ribbing with a good-humoured bonhomie. It is time for the sidekick to take centre stage.

This is a man who has never ceased to fight the good fight. True, these days he is more usually seen in his Westminster best than fatigues, but like the soldier in the Korean jungles he has never stopped believing in the Great War.

It is widely rumoured that he wears Union Jack Y-fronts, but his patriotism runs through him like a stick of Southend rock. He is a true Anglo-Saxon from the old Saxon stronghold of Essex, which makes him much more English than the semi-foreign Johnson.

And this is the man to take the fight to The People. To gain the purity demanded by Brexit, the internal opposition must first be defeated. The Woke, the Left, the hand-wringers and do-gooders, the differently pigmented, the non-Aryan, the individuals with European connections. All these must be eliminated to enable the full expression of Brexit.

Falling short, as Boris has done, is a betrayal of the democratic referendum decision and the ineffable sovereignty of England. All foreign influence must be removed from England to permit a sovereign Ground Zero to be reached. Until then, we cannot be truly Sovereign or completely Independent.

Only purity of heart and mind, and the will to pursue an ideal to its logical conclusion, can save us now. Anyone who doesn’t like it must surrender their possessions to the Crown and leave immediately, never to return. Democracy demands it.

It’s time for the little man to stand up and roar like a lion.
