It’s time the EU faced up to the reality of Brexit

It’s time the EU faced up to the reality of Brexit

Amid all the talk of ‘pingdemics’ and labour shortages, we have forgotten one important fact. The EU has still not admitted that it is obstructing our freedom. 

England was the only country bold enough to break free from European imprisonment. A gilded cage it may have been, but a cage is still a cage, and freedom from that cage is a principle worth suffering for. 

Because that is what is happening. The English are suffering at the hands of the EU, as they won’t accept that we voted to be free. Free, to have herd immunity, if we want to. Free, to reject EU produce and labour. Free, in short, to be English. 

In fact, someone needs to remind the EU that we left, and that red tape and third party regulations do not apply to England. 

It’s time, in short, that the EU recognised that Brexit is their fault and therefore their responsibility. Until the intransigent oafs realise this, then there can be no progress, and the German car makers will have to beg us to buy their overpriced executive toys in vain. 

It’s such a pity. The EU would be welcome to tag along with our glory, if only they could bring themselves to apologise for their folly. 

At a stroke they could solve all our problems. They need to recognise that all they are doing with their petty adherence to the rules is obstructing our path to glory. 

It is simply a case of recognising who actually has the upper hand. The EU may grasp our olive branch, but our generosity will not last forever. All that is required is a little humility. 

Once they capitulate, then all this nonsense will end. We can have our tomatoes and BMWs back, and they can have our friendship. After all, don’t they need us more than we need them? 
