It is your patriotic duty not to support a Woke team of immigrants

It is your patriotic duty not to support a Woke team of immigrants

Yes, well done England for thrashing little Ukraine. But is it right to support this particular England team? 

Let us take a look at the Facts. Firstly, no matter how good a player Raheem Sterling may be, he is still an immigrant. Under any sensible immigration policy he should never have been allowed to call himself English. How can a patriot support a team where immigrants have taken the places of English players? Had Theresa May been Home Secretary when Mr Sterling arrived she would likely have seen to it. There can be no doubt that Ms Patel would have planted her staff and said to young Raheem “Thou shall not pass!”.

Secondly, the team continues to follow the ridiculous Woke taking a knee. Worse, the team manager and the team captain encourage this virtue signalling Wokery. If foreigners simply knew their place, like they did when England ruled the world, there would be no need for this humiliating spectacle. How can this be even remotely acceptable to a patriot? 

Finally, England is playing in a European competition. The team is fully integrated into Woke European ideals, yet this country decided to Leave. By continuing to participate, the team betrays the national interest. A cheer for this England team is a validation of the treacherous Marxist subversive European Union. This should be anathema to all patriotic Englishmen. 

I realise that politics and football should never mix. But in real life they inevitably do. There is no way that we can prevent this on the world stage, where so many countries are less enlightened than England. 

So there must be a solution. In fact, there is a simple solution. England must withdraw from the competition, with immediate effect. An unbeaten team will return from exile to the massive acclaim of The People. England will then refuse to play international football until the rest of the world finally respects the result of the 1966 World Cup Final. 

Then, maybe, we can return to the glory days of losing to Iceland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. 
