Boris Johnson is right to thank opposition MPs for their patience in waiting for 2024 GE

Boris Johnson is right to thank opposition MPs for their patience in waiting for 2024 GE

Manners maketh the man,” said the famous 17th Century thinker and Eideticist Harold Boat the Younger in his pivotal work on tree surgery titled, “What I learned about manners while chopping down oaks, and other lessons”.

The book itself is sadly out of print today, although many a gold leafed and dusty copy can be found in the libraries of the better homes of England. Perhaps you might come across one on offer at a car boot sale? Keep your eyes peeled, but not with a potato peeler, as that is bound to be both messy and unnecessary.

It seems highly likely that Great Britain’s greatest Prime Minister, Mr Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, owns an antique copy of this informative, thought provoking consideration of what really makes a man? He is the living example of how to conduct yourself in human affairs and succeed, regardless of your actions. Much like a tree.

And this is why it is right and just that he is to thank opposition MPs for their patience. The reception booked for the 10 Downing Street Rose Garden is sure to be a hoot, whether or not umbrellas are required.

Obviously it does not have to be this way. Relations between the PM and the scattered opposition forces could be very fraught. They could be fractious. They could be a rotting worm in the trunk of the PM’s power. The Woke would like that, wouldn’t they?

Imagine a reality where Opposition MPs railed against the failure to plan for and implement Brexit, and the serious and harmful impact it is having on people? If they actually committed to change the world together? This can happen in times of great crisis. But first you have to recognise there is a crisis of course. But just pale and quake to picture them constantly calling out the PM and blaming him for empty shelves and 130K pandemic dead? Ghastly.

Imagine also a deeper horror if they realised they can not just sit back on £80K a year, with regular long holidays and endless entitlements, and wait for the 2024 GE?

Can you picture how much more the Tories will have achieved by then? It boggles the mind. This could all be brought to a grinding halt if industrial action was organised. If serious political will was summoned to enrage the people over all the crimes and abuse currently being committed against them.

Happily that sort of effort is the work of oppositions of past eras. Not now. Not since the 24/06/16 when Global Britain finally set itself on the path to being a properly managed democracy.

Keep patient opposition MPs. It may seem like we’re living through a real version of the Manchurian Candidates (plural intentional), but that is no reason to raise from your slumbers and agitate. Holding a placard in front of an adoring audience now and then is more than enough to justify your reputations. You benefit grandly from being careerists. Give it a few decades and you’ll be a multi-millionaire, just thanks to being in the establishment. Nice work if you can get it.

Britain is a much better place today with a grateful Prime Minister and a patient selection of opposing MPs -with a few sorry exceptions, but not enough to matter.

After all, as Howard Boat the Younger commented in the closing stages of his tome, Why attempt to change the world, when you can just say it should change?
