Cuts to international aid will stop migrant flows by convincing them the UK’s leaders are poor

Cuts to international aid will stop migrant flows by convincing them the UK’s leaders are poor

A promise broken is an invaluable tool in the UK’s armoury when international relations hit turbulence. It is not for nothing we are known as Perfidious Albion. Perfidious being the Latin for skilled.

We live in such turbulent times now and no one can explain why. The country has chosen the finest minds to lead it and just as well. Monumental transfer of public wealth into private hands needs care, skill and statesmanship. Not the ramshackle econonic illiteracy of the woke.

Still, the downside is all too obvious. Daily people arrive from far flung places that history was right to forget seeking to cash in on our generosity. It is baffling why. The choice of the Home Secretary alone should be enough to convince people this is not an island they easily want to visit. The Continentals have been largely dissuaded. Why people fleeing British made munitions are more stubborn is a thorny issue.

There is a simple way to deal with this. Mr Johnson must cut foreign aid spending deeper, faster and harder. The bleeding hearts will moan that breaking this Conservative manifesto promise more severely will only exacerbate the problem. But they lack the imagination of inherited wealth and privilege.

More cuts now Prime Minister! Convince the foreign chaps that Global Britain is broke! That way they’ll happily stay home foraging for cooking fuel as the bombs fall, as their national wealth is laundered in London and the climate changes.

This will have immediate benefits in domestic politics. Not only will the tabloid and Tory MP groomed racists be momentarily satisfied by some more red meat, but the savings can be passed on to Conservative Party benefactors. That’s how you govern in post-Brexit Britain.
