Why the last Labour government should have stopped WW2

Why the last Labour government should have stopped WW2

The Elite Liberal Lefty Anti-Democratic Woke Brigade is at it again. They constantly carp on about alleged wartime atrocities. What the despicable Wokies constantly fail to realise is that they did absolutely nothing to prevent this. 

Such fine words, such eloquent unpatriotic rhetoric. War is a dirty business, and no war was ever won without getting your hands dirty. Left to the lily livered lefty loons, they would have invited the Nazis into their drawing room, offered them a nice cup of tea, and pressed leaflets about LGBT rights on them. They would have surrendered without a shot being fired. The Woke would have us all speaking German, while toppling statues of Churchill left right and centre. 

It is only the Woke who still harp on about The War and how terrible it was. But never, never does anyone say it should have been prevented! The Labour Party, the political wing of the weedy Woke, must condemn The War if it hates it so much. Then they should go and live in Germany like the losers they are. 

Exactly the same applies to the looming rail strike. Why doesn’t the Labour Party step up and control the militant lazy communist agitators and activists who are holding the country to ransom? Why does it allow the Woke to win? The tentacles of wicked leftism have penetrated deeply into the fabric of the country. So deep, that 12 years of honest, hardworking, moderate conservatism has barely scratched the surface of the Woke legacy of the Blair-Brown years. 

The ludicrous left would prefer it had we lost two world wars and one world cup. They hate winning, and refuse to even acknowledge that a Conservative Prime Minister single-handedly brought glory to England. But we do not hear the Labour Party denouncing Hitler. They do not condemn Goebbels. So they should have stopped The War, but their refusal indicates that it was actually the First Woke War. And WE won!
