“Windfall Tax” on UC top up bonuses is the way to pay for food poverty

“Windfall Tax” on UC top up bonuses is the way to pay for food poverty

It is now clear that the way out of the food poverty problem for the United Kingdom is for everyone to do their bit. To encourage the hungry to greater efforts. To use both carrot and stick to motivate the masses.

The government will provide the leadership, the billionaire owned media will provide the chorus and the hard working British public will provide the money. Most of this will be shared between the government and the billionaires, but given the meagre requirements of proles, there will be sufficient spare to provide enough calories to go into work at that Amazon warehouse.

We all have to do our bit to alleviate the suffering of our fellow travellers on the winding paths of life. This is why I keep my money in tax efficient accounts overseas, but will readily remind you that if you tax the wealthy “just like their money, they’ll leave”.

How the WOKE would pay to deal with the problem of food poverty isn’t obvious, except to screech and rend their long hair in front of people who chose a better accident of birth. Expecting a cabinet of inheritance millionaires to dig into their deep pockets and pay for the mistakes of the poor at birth is just not cricket. It is no way to convince future generations to be born with a trust fund.

This is why a Windfall Tax must be lobbied onto the bonus payments which saw Universal Credit claimants showered in cash during the pandemic. Clearly with no Michelin star restaurants open they will just have hoarded that money and will need some encouragement to share it.

In Britain we help ourselves. If the poor won’t help each other now than it has come to a sorry pass indeed. For what is the vision of this green and pleasant land except one in which the struggling masses make do and mend while their betters applaud their efforts.
