We must resist the Woke’s attempt to wokewash Henry VIII

We must resist the Woke’s attempt to wokewash Henry VIII

Henry VIII is England’s most famous Briton. This is not up for dispute. And Britons are English at heart, as every Briton knows. Every Briton. Except the crazy lefties who wouldn’t know an Englishman if he came up and slapped them in the face with a bag of Nordic cod and Dutch chips. You can not claim nationhood of a nation you are attempting to destroy the fundamental values of. We must have Priti Patel look into this. New rules will deal with it.

Legislation that protects our statues and strikes at the Woke. The scourge of patriotic peoples on this sacred isle. They are not content with corruption of our media with their majority ownership, unsatisfied undermining Brexit by seeding saboteurs all through government, now they are trying to wokewash history.

Now they are trying to make Henry VIII woke. They claim he staffed his royal yacht “The Mary Rose” with a multi-ethnic crew. This will not do. This pseudo science. These so called experts and their analysis of isotopes in teeth.

It is not their first attempt to under the story of England.

Who can forget where they were when the Antifa left tried to convince patriots that Cheddar Man was dark skinned. The individual who invented the world’s most famous variety of cheese was not a classic Englishman? And the far left wonder why people have had enough of experts!

The appetite grows with the eating. Having gobbled up Cheddar they’re now onto Tudor roses. We must see that the thorns stick in their throats. We must defend our history and keep it just as we have imagined it to be.

If we allow this what will come next? They will probably claim that Richard the Lionheart was French!
