To win the culture war the Prime Minister must carpet the No. 11 flat in baby seal fur

To win the culture war the Prime Minister must carpet the No. 11 flat in baby seal fur

The ‘Woke’ will not like it and that is reason enough. There are additional reasons, should you feel they are needed. Although I know as a loyal subscriber to the Libertarian agenda you will not need them.

It is about good governance.

“Men must be governed” – Captain Jack Aubrey, The Surprise, Near to Brazil, 1805.

For the ship of state to keep a sound hull, primed guns and a right bearing the subjects scrubbing the decks can be in no doubt as to their position in the natural hierarchy.

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made clear this week who is the alpha by refusing to reveal who paid for the refurbishment of No. 11 Downing Street. This is the epitome of leadership. If you allow the hoi polloi to question any decision, no matter how trivial, they may get a taste for rebellion. This is not in their interests. You may find yourself having to agree something tiresome like the Magna Carta, and then later having to renege and destroy the ringleaders.

To build on this supreme and worthily macho display of power the Prime Minister must now push forward, further ahead of the dog pack. Let those craven noses keep inhaling the full wind of his dominant scent.

How to do this? Why with a further exercise in the wielding of political power. A dominant display. The lion roaring at the open savannah with his pride behind him.

More refurbishment at even greater expense! That will show the governed who is their boss. And let us not be modest, as with the sofa and wallpaper, the tiger skin draft excluders and the ivory picture frames, let us carpet No. 11 with material that will see the ‘Woke’ gnash and wail in impotence.

For this only the fur of baby seals will suffice. Perhaps some puffin feathers mixed in for contrast. It would be best if the Prime Minister hunted the animals himself. It would mimic the behaviour of all true strongmen. Wield that heavy club Prime Minister! When the splatter hits your cheeks you can turn to face the huddled masses and they will know they are merely on this earth to serve as your audience.

Any lesser material than baby seal could lead the rabble to get ideas above their station. Their station is fixed in Brexitannia. Show them this. Be certain too when you return from your heroic adventure to refuse to say who paid for it.
