To make post Brexit grocery bills palatable packaging must carry the legend “Blitz Spirit!”

To make post Brexit grocery bills palatable packaging must carry the legend “Blitz Spirit!”

Great nations overcome great self inflicted adversity because of the power of their spirit and their slogans. Great Britain now possesses both of these stellar qualities in abundance thanks to the leadership of Boris Johnson.

Who can forget where they were the day Mr Johnson unveiled “Get Brexit Done”? No one. That’s who. Anyone who tells you they can not recall the day is clearly lying and probably in the pay of both Brussels and Soros. They will also be Woke.

Theresa May’s valiant attempt with “Brexit means Brexit” cut some turf, but it was not until three words were delivered by an orator of the power not seen since Agamemnon urged his troops into battle at Troy did Brexit finally rise as the Phoenix from its own flames.

Now we must look to the future and the slogans it holds. For Brexit to fulfil its destiny it needs also to look backwards. Not too far backwards clearly, which is why archaeology departments are now for the scrap heap. Seventy seven years will do. No less and no more until next year makes a necessity of seventy eight.

What slogan best epitomises the new reality of Great Britain than “Blitz Spirit”? Who can think of a better one? No one. Its power rests in being two words and not three. Such a distillation of spirit.

Here is where we arrive at the way to make a success of the opportunities fast arriving. All patriotic food packaging should now carry “Blitz Spirit” on it. In bold. In Red. In White. In Blue. In this way will runaway grocery inflation become patriotic and a price that must be paid. Then will Brexit really mean Brexit.
