To hold onto power the PM must now join Labour

To hold onto power the PM must now join Labour

Do you wake up each morning, around morning tea time, and wonder how you can fight the Woke? The Prime Minister does. The results of his victories are everywhere. One just has to look at the broad scale apathy infecting a minority of the U.K. electorate to know he is a winner.

Has the worst pandemic death toll in Europe impacted his polling? No.

Has record breaking NHS waiting lists taken the shine off the Conservative brand? Only for those paying attention.

Does the fact none of his big ideas are ever seen through to even beginning, let alone completion, stop small, medium and large businesses allowing him to be their pimp for photos? No. They line up.

He is unstoppable. Clearly a majority offshore owned, tax avoiding billionaire press are some assistance. So too all those swarthy foreign chaps looking to whitewash their reputations. But mostly it’s the sheer self belief of the man himself that sees Global Britain his playground.

There is a solitary warning light flashing amber on the PM’s dash. This is the near miss in Amersham last week when the people’s friend, Mr Fleet, just failed to keep hold of the seat.

The progressive alliance is growing in the electorates. Not all of them, but enough. It is bubbling up in the constituencies were people pay attention.

Happily the Prime Minister’s grip on power is not at risk if he is swift. If he follows old Bercow and leaps now. Jump across the party lines before the food riots. Before the medicine shortages. Before the collapse of steel.

Labour is where he needs to leap now. There is no doubt that Sir Starmer will happily stand aside if it means Labour becomes the government. Mr Johnson can then do as Keir should have already and throw the forever Corbyn MPs out of the party to show he is still in command. Enough of the nodding dogs with blue rosettes will cross the floor to ensure he retains a majority.

Make the diagonal move now Mr Johnson! Like a celestial bishop on a political chessboard. They won’t see the sudden dash into their ranks coming and the Red Wall will stay yours and the Blue Wall stay true too.
