To avoid a vote of no confidence the PM simply has to illegally prorogue parliament (again)

To avoid a vote of no confidence the PM simply has to illegally prorogue parliament (again)

The Conservative and Unionist Party has gone soft. There is no denying it. In the usual run of things one can rely upon would be fascists, and actual fascists, to put aside their differences and cooperate to seize and hold power. The unedifying spectacle of Tory MPs fighting in public raises the real risk of a long term rise in the standard of living of the plebeian classes. This must be avoided at all costs. Once you allow the great unwashed to dream of self-determination the entire project (which began in 1066) is at risk. One only has to look at France to see the dangers.

Happily the PM can draw on more recent history to see off the idiots, mountebanks and fools within his own ranks who put at risk governance in the service of tax havens.

It was not so long ago he threw the rebels out of the Tory Party in order to win a General Election. This was a power play that heralded a recharge to the great endeavours undertaken since 2010 to turn the Great British clock backwards. Has the PM forgotten this move? Surely new MPs, even more insane and more gullible than the 2019 intake, could be found to fill the vacancies?

There is another way he can secure his position and ensure the one thousand year reign of modern compassionate Conservatism.

He can do what he did in his first attempt to GET BREXIT DONE.

He can lie to the Queen and illegally prorogue parliament again. It is simplicity itself. The sovereign has shown herself too beset by great age and family strife to act. He got away with it once and he can get away with it again. Seize the day Mr Johnson or risk the day seizing you, and your golden furnishings.

There is a man in his government who has shown himself of sufficient low character to do this too. He has done it once. He can do it again and this time in Latin he’s learned after doing his own research on the internet.

Once parliament is disbanded it need never return and a vote of no confidence can never occur.

In this way Mr Johnson will be secure as Prime Minister until one of his many offspring comes of age and can succeed to power. Edward the Confessor may have failed to provide the kingdom with an heir, and thus the kingdom fell, Mr Johnson has no such failings. One can not move without fear of tripping over his offspring.
