The time is right for Boris Johnson to lead a government of nation unity

The time is right for Boris Johnson to lead a government of nation unity

The time is right for Great Britain to re-invent itself and seize the low hanging fruit in the orchard of total sovereignty. Sovereignty apples. Freedom pears. Liberty cherries like hot testicles. Choice plums that are so soft you’ve barely the time to smear them across your lips before they disintegrate. Global Britain Empire 2.0 has a fruit basket that is full to the brim. Let not the drunk wasps of Brussels stand in our way!

We already have the leader in place to lead us through the great changes that are required to move on from the great changes the leader already in place has already led us through. The leader to take us down the winding path in the aforementioned freedom orchard.

What better time for renewal than the birth of the latest Johnson offspring? Although some wits might joke that if we do not seize this moment another will be along in nine months time. Or maybe less, depending on how many nests the great cuckoo of British politics has been laying in.

But to move forward the beautiful underclass of this indomitable country require a show of change that conceals the consistency in the power structure above. Think not what it means that you have a Queen and do not actually own your own house, even if it’s your name on the title at Land Registry. It’s definitely your name on the mortgage and not Her Maj. Ha! I digress.

A compromise must be struck. The elite that has ruled so well since 1066 must say to the governed, “You may keep your cap, so long as you doff it”.

A bargain must be struck. The woeful peasant farming his mud must say to his lord, “You may keep your mansion so long as I keep the right to gaze from a distance at it.”

How does Great Britain pull off this feat of performative action with no serious change underneath? You ask. The answer is obvious. Mr Johnson must offer to lead a government of national unity.

The hedge funders have had their fun these last few years. The time is nigh to fatten the lamb again. What better man to force feed the geese of England than the prime minister himself. We say huzzah! Lead on Boris! And so say all of us.
