The public do not deserve Boris Johnson

The public do not deserve Boris Johnson

The “Woke” are to blame. Everywhere you look, under every rock and in every cranny you find their attempts to undermine Britain’s greatest wartime leader. It is time to call time and send the Woke back to bed.

Their latest attempt to sabotage Britain’s intellectual giant par excellence centres on curtains. Where are the curtains? What pattern are the curtains? Pathetically too, who paid for the curtains? You’d think they would have better things to do. Does the prime minister and his current companion ask how much their cutlery was at IKEA? I think not.

When was the last time you heard a member of this murmuration of culture vultures ask for an explanation regarding the last Labour government’s role in the mishandling of the pandemic? For a group who profess to care about others they are suspiciously silent on the subject of Gordon Brown’s complicity in the plague.

Or did you hear in passing these unbathed, lentil knitting, anti-steak eating scoundrels inquire about the Tony Benn’s role in leaving the Prime Minister’s mobile phone number freely available online? Did they raise a hue and cry over the associated national security implications? I bet you did not hear them even whisper it in one of the dark corners they birth their young in.

This is why the British public do not deserve Boris Johnson. Until everyone one of us is asleep his work can never be complete. Undeserving mob! Why don’t you just vote for someone else next time and leave the PM alone to cultivate his progeny. Potty.
