The PM is right to the remind the Great British public different rules apply to those who govern

The PM is right to the remind the Great British public different rules apply to those who govern

The Hancock Affair comes at just the right time for the Prime Minister. New EU rules on trade mean that in the coming months the British people may find their supermarket shelves empty now and then, and this may make them restless. It is timely to have the opportunity to remind them of their place in the natural hierarchy.

How the camera came to be in The Secretary of State’s office is of no consequence. No one should read anything into the footage first appearing in The Sun. Murdoch’s paper is just doing what a crusading bastion of investigative journalism does. It is investigating. Nothing can be gained by finding out the full circumstances.

Does it really matter if Mr Hancock placed the camera in his office himself to film his self-care while at work? And perhaps did not secure the wifi properly? That suggests the greatest crime he committed was failing to choose a suitable technology tutor. But who has time for all that rot when you’ve a pandemic on?

Mr Johnson is right to stand by Mr Hancock. To fire him would be to commit an act of gross hypocrisy and disloyalty. Did anyone hear of Mr Hancock calling for Mr Johnson’s resignation over the Arcuri Affair, the Wallpaper Affair, the Failure to Investigate Russian Interference in UK Democracy Affairs, the Everything Patel Does Affair, the Threat to Break International Law Affair, the Lying to the Queen Affair? The list is a long one and Matt has stood by Boris throughout. Only the Woke would find cause to call for resignations. That is what they do of course, sow discord and cry for a nanny state to do the hard work of looking after yourself.

No, let us be clear, Mr Johnson has shown his mastery of governance by seizing the opportunity presented by Mr Hancock breaching social guidance regulations. It was time to remind the Great British Public that it is theirs to do and die, it is not theirs to question why.

Who can govern with the focus of Mr Hancock if distracted by the need to adhere to every petty regulation imposed upon the public by Mr Hancock? It wouldn’t just be 150,000K and counting preventable deaths, it would be higher if he was fretting over mask compliance and hand sanitising, and marital vows, when he should have been answering his Whatsapp messages.

Bravo Mr Johnson! A true Conservative. The governing class set the rules so the great unwashed have the boundaries they need to feel secure. But that is the extent of the remit of regulation. Bravo Mr Johnson! When the supermarkets are bare in late summer you can continue to have your luxury food delivered and rest assured the people know what that means also.
