The PM is right to claim that shooting yourself in both feet is the same as being invaded by Russia

The PM is right to claim that shooting yourself in both feet is the same as being invaded by Russia

The British lion has roared, only the Woke will complain. Last week our Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech that demonstrated British leadership can guide the globe through the latest bout of choppy water. As other leaders huddle together and talk, wasting time, Mr Johnson is steadfast in having himself promoted as more important than he is. Carpe diem PM!

Few expected that war would so quickly follow plague from the East, but then few pay as much attention to horses and their riders as they should. Mr Putin has struggled out of the limelight for too long, but now with excellent timing he has crashed back onto centre stage and captured the attention of all.

Trained classicist Boris saw it all coming from many miles away. Indeed, few have done more to invite the fab four of calamity to our door than he has. Now he stands as a conductor of chaos and urges the pit to get that high night just a little bit higher. The years of traditional Conservative government from 2010, and the concerto of Brexit, have wet the public’s appetite. Bravo Boris! Bravo!

Too little thought has been given to the privations Mr Johnson is voluntarily undergoing as he wades through his dourest hour.

Has anyone seen him in hi-vis lately? What a personal sacrifice. Can you imagine the strain of pretending that the massive fleecing of the public by energy companies is legitimate? The PPE well is running dry, it is well that there is another deep pit into which to throw the corporate bucket and draw up cash from the massed, trembling hands of the serfs.

Now of course some believed there was a danger that Mr Johnson would be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the drama and be cast off into the shadows at the edge of the stage. But some would believe that. When the time was right our fool would make the collective mouth drop.

Let us stand and cheer and cry encore! Encore! If you can compare shooting yourself in both feet, and not by accident, to being invaded by a criminally insane neighbour what will you say next? Not even Boris knows. But when the moment is right you can be sure he will again drop the mike into a puddle of the finest, steaming shit. He can’t help it.
