The PM did not cower when it was time to ask a donor to pay for his wallpaper

The PM did not cower when it was time to ask a donor to pay for his wallpaper

Every age has its great struggle and every struggle has its heroes. Those men, women, medically vulnerable school children and political donors who do not cower when the Archangel appears in the blazing clouds, long, golden trumpet in its grip, and issues the clarion call for heroes to rise.

Who will go forth with the sword of courage and slice at the dragon of contagion armed only with their lungs? And who will cower indoors knowing that if they can only hide long enough from the catastrophic failure to control a potentially lethal pathogen it will get into their house one way or other, sooner or later?

The pandemic is such a time and it is only by the grace of God’s good favour that mighty Great Britain was able to face the invisible enemy and look into its invisible eyes, largely without masks for months, and take the infection on with a heroic inhalation and exhalation of diseased breath.

Can you imagine the look on the face of the virus when it found itself confronted with the fearless Englishman? Oh, it was easy to skip out of China, to amble across Europe, but once it stepped off the endless inbound flights to Blighty it faced a maskless enemy who would not cower.

The virus found itself having to mutate in Kent in a desperate attempt to create a defensible beachhead. It found itself having to mutate in the northeast after it was flushed out of Kent and dispersed all over first the U.K. and then the world.

Now your Health Secretary Sajid Javid, has a message for you who have still not had the guts to catch the disease. Get vaccinated and get into the fight. You’ll find the struggle comes to you regardless because your government knows the only way to beat the enemy is to ensure it is everywhere at once.

When it was time to ask a party donor to pay for his £650 a roll wallpaper did the Prime Minister cower? No! He took it on face first. He probably shook hands with every donor in the room until he found the one with the hottest hands.

It is time to do your duty. Some of you will die, but the vulture capitalists running your pandemic response are okay with that.
