Taxing the wealthy will only force them to move their money to tax havens

Taxing the wealthy will only force them to move their money to tax havens

Do you hear the low, threatening rumble in the distance? Over the nearest hill? A quiet thunder that grows louder as the great unwashed approach. Driven by envy. Driven by spite. Coming to take your hard earned, inherited wealth?

If you do not hear it you must go outside and listen. Turn an ear to the wind and cup your hand around it, and listen.


The undeserving poor are on crusade. Their Pope is Joe Biden who guides them from America. What has become of America? How quickly it has been reduced in just a few short months from a playground of ever more predatory capitalism to the Marxist hellhole we hear of now. The Prophet Trump warns the people from his stronghold in Florida but they do not listen. Florida Man preaches to the deaf and the blind. If the USA is not careful soon people may not go bankrupt receiving treatment for cancer. What of profits for businesses that prey on sickness then?

This is where America’s mother country, England, can show it the way back to the righteous path. Happily we have a Chancellor prepared to resist calls to levy higher taxes on the 1%. The wealth creators who were so industrious in the pandemic. They increased their wealth mightily. But it comes at a cost. It has awoken the woke.

We must resist calls to increase the taxes on the chosen ones. The pandemic can easily be paid for by forcing local councils to increase parking charges. A fair tax that everyone without a chauffeur shares. For if we do not the super rich will have no choice but to move their excess money offshore to tax havens. And it won’t trickle down from there onto the work shy, curtain twitching undeserving poor. If we’re not careful nurses will get a proper pay rise. So be careful. Make sure you vote for the party of money. It’s your money. You earned it passively fair and square. Make sure you keep hold of it. Your precious…
