Scat filled water will give British children world beating immune systems

Scat filled water will give British children world beating immune systems

It is dull and predictable that the armies of the Woke have raised an unnecessary cry over the plummeting standards of British waterways. They have nothing better to do with their time, other than glue themselves to roads and waste the time and energy of constables who are better serving us guarding statues. Guarding statues against the Woke. Zzzz.

As Tory MPs can attest you have to die some day. Is a preventable outbreak of cholera worse than a virus in a pandemic? I doubt it. A water born pathogen has the ring and chime of tradition about it and should be embraced.

It can only be hoped that a senior member of the Cabinet will have the foresight to Christen his newest born in a British stream. This will give the false confidence required to end the water crisis before anyone really notices the billions in profits to noble private water companies.

The eagerness to immerse ourselves in our own effluent will set the hares running in Brussels. Be in no doubit. Von der leyen, and whoever succeeds Merkel as joint empresses of the failing tyrannical superstate, will think twice before refusing the latest of Lord Frost’s reasonable demands when they see we still have the Celtic fire in our bellies. Only the bravest would be prepared to risk E.coli to make a point. Fear that madman. For he will come to your door holding a glass of his homemade tap water if you do not yield.

There is further for Brussels to worry over as we fill the oceans and streams of Great Britain with the noble discharge of our toilets. They must now worry over the future. The future in which they will have to lock horns with the next generation of Great Britons come to wage a sausage or fish war.

The Continental ranks will be filled with weak specimens. They have not the courage to thin their herds. They coddle them in rules and regulations and force sanitary food and water down their throats.

Sanitation is not for British children! Clean drinking water will not populate our future legions with the toughest individuals natural selection can supply.

Celebrate the invisible scat in your glass! You hold in your hands not only the present, the future promise of Brexitannia!
