Privatising the NHS will dramatically reduce waiting lists

Privatising the NHS will dramatically reduce waiting lists

Inefficiencies in the British model of healthcare have been dramatically exposed during the pandemic, even though the Woke will not admit it. There is no denying that a fully funded NHS would have nipped the pandemic in the bud even before it started. The argument for selling it off to the Yanks for a quick buck have never been urgent.

Not many people give a lot of thought to the quiet heroes of the British establishment. Sunak, Hancock and many other tireless Tory MPs who have had the foresight to forge the appropriate links in the US funded thinktank sector and prepare the way for a health revolution. The time to strike is now.

It’s not just the fact that the greatest store of asset wealth in the rapidly ageing population of these sacred isles resides in the home ownership of the over 50’s. It’s not just that we can expect the government’s stewardship of the pandemic to lead to years of long Covid patients, and what that means for the public purse (or the private). It’s not just that for over 70 years the greatest prize in British conservative politics has been to dismantle the egregiously wasteful NHS which wastes our time and resources on people who should have been born richer. It’s not just those things, it’s simple pragmatism.

If you privatise the NHS you will dramatically reduce waiting lists for the patients. Now that is a pitch you can sell to even the curtain munching wokies.

Clearly the reduction will come from large swathes of the population having to choose between, eating or heating or getting little Johnny’s arm splints? Which can only be for the good of the national body, as the wheat will be separated from the chaff. Which is exactly how the government has conducted its response to the pandemic.
