Priti Patel is just the latest victim of cancel culture

Priti Patel is just the latest victim of cancel culture

Saving our green and pleasant island home from the scourge of others escaping our well made munitions in distant lands is what the Home Secretary was put on this sacred, sceptred isle to do. She must be allowed to fulfil her purpose and to enjoy her work while she’s at it. She has made a pact with the Prime Minister and she is simply attempting to see through her part.

Of course the “Woke” do not like it. You would think they had enough on their empty hands pursuing David Cameron to the ends of the earth, like some woe begotten old fox he leads the hounds and horses away from his cubs. Still they find time to take pleasure in interrupting the business of Ms Patel.

The latest such outrage occurred this week in a suburb of Glasgow too curiously christened to speak easily in mother English. At first glance you would think it a suburb of some tyrannically ruled, EU continental state and roam on with a lack of interest. But no, fittingly the cauldron of cancel culture, Pollokshields, sits just miles from the seat of government. Right there. Under Westminster’s nose, bubbling with malcontents.

Bubbling and boiling and seething like a witch’s cauldron it was too as the good servants of Priti Patel attempted to remove illegal humans from the area. But like the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, merely following their orders, the woke warriors of Glasgow massed and abused them of their lawful task to benefit everyone in Glasgow (by lowering demand for housing).

Pity the poor underling who had to concur with the Home Secretary that the startling scenes she was witnessing in the live stream were real. This was not some hoax. There is rebellion on the cold, stone streets of the rebel province.

Priti Patel is now a victim of cancel culture. Her right to freedom of speech in deed abused. If people from distant lands are allowed to seek sanctuary and settle anonymously in our backstreets and hidden alleys the very survival of the modern, English conservative stands in harm’s way.

Resist the woke Ms Patel! Stand up for your right to cast out the meek. Stay true to your crusade to turn back the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. This is English air! It is about time the Scots realised it or the defeats of Robert the Bruce will have been in vain.
