Post-Brexit Britain does not need substance – it has style

Post-Brexit Britain does not need substance – it has style

Boudicca had it. Queen Elizabeth had it. Empress Victoria had it. Anne Boleyn had it, for a while. Rosamund Clifford had it. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has it too and has it by the Truss load.

Style. You can’t buy it but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and put it on expenses. There’s a post-pandemic world out there begging for a bite of the Best of British, before the inevitable collapse due to climate catastrophe. We need representatives prepared to put themselves forward, ignore reality and focus solely on their own trajectories.

Happily for post-Brexit Britain it has a style all of its own that the world agrees is quintessentially English. It also has ministers who are happy to do whatever is needed to keep that ministerial car. Brexit? I hated it once, but I love it now. If you don’t like my principles, I have others. That’s how you close the deal on Global Britain.

Other countries have fancy written constitutions that bore their citizens senseless. We have a set up based on trust and the imposition of penalties decided by the whim of the public and our unelected rulers. Sure there’s some rules written down somewhere by the girly swots of yesterday, but who cares? We’ve necked a few bottles of Balfour and we’re punching our weight. Take that world!

It’s not easy to sell yourselves wholesale during a global shipping crisis. Not to mention the vindictive EU who just can not accept that we’ve left its dowdy hips and leased ourselves a canary yellow sports car. But with a public face like Liz Truss and her propensity to spend, spend, spend on photo shoots nothing can hold us back now.

Nerds will worry about content. Nitpick over detail. Fret over implications. Pretend to be appalled by gross derelictions of duty. They’re just jealous. Wokery did not forge any empires and it will not forge Empire 2.0. Only dash, fash and flair can.

It’s time to stop worrying over who paid for what wallpaper and who paid who hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to ensure PPE or water quality was where it needed to be. Put your best foot forward Britain! Style over substance will win the day and our Foreign Secretary is leading the way.
