PM must lead G7 in a clap for billionaires or risk being seen as a Marxist

PM must lead G7 in a clap for billionaires or risk being seen as a Marxist

Marxists are now omnipresent in our institutions and threaten the very way of life of Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and many other well meaning philanthropists who want to provide on demand employment to the world, and beyond.

They have even taken over the English football team with their frenzied displays of antifa-wokeness on bent knees which threaten the very traditions of good humoured racism among spectators and players alike.

The billionaires can not defend themselves. This is why we have elected representatives to be their shields. Rishi Sunak is an excellent example. Jacob Rees-mogg another. The thin blue line that stands between vast offshore reserves that of necessity must be hidden from the frenzied layabouts who would take that hard inherited wealth and spend it on passing fancies like healthcare and travel infrastructure.

This is where Prime Minister Boris Johnson can stand up and be the shield the fragile ecosystem of the tax efficient biome needs so urgently. Before the Marxists raid the Channel Islands. Before the communists of the last Labour government succeed in ensuring homeless rates fall and poor children are fed.

The G7 is the world’s stage and the leaders the players upon it. Mr Johnson must turn a deaf ear to the Snowflake’s champion, President Joe Biden, and lead all in a round of applause.

Who to clap is obvious. The world’s billionaires. Also inherited wealth. Entrenched privilege and the traditional power structures of old England, and the USA, which ensure anyone who works hard enough to achieve an excellent accident of birth can afford private tutors for the next generation of the born to rule.

Slap your hands together PM! Be like a seal in a circus tent! Now is the moment to make Great Britain an example to the world!
