PM can solve social crisis by pretending it’s done, just like Brexit and CV-19

PM can solve social crisis by pretending it’s done, just like Brexit and CV-19

The Prime Minister need not lose anymore sleep tossing and turning over how to fool the Great British Public into believing he has lived up to his promise to solve the social care crisis.

It hardly seems credible that a problem caused by the last Labour government should be pinned on the Conservatives. If Labour had not left the country in such a parlour state in 2010 the Tories would not have had to spend the following 11 years underfunding the public services. Let alone get around to how to properly profiteer off the sick and elderly in crisis.

Here at least the PM can be guided by his own deeds in office. Brexit wasn’t done, but he managed to capture enough of the general public in the feelings to convince them it would be, and thus take an 80 seat majority. Clearly Brexit can never be done. It’s an impossibility, if the UK wants to be anything other than a dumb ruminant the fat parasite of predatory capitalism feeds off. But so long as the official opposition refuse to simply call Brexit the lie it so plainly is, Brexit is done.

So too the pandemic. It is raging worse than before. New variants are being imported and cooked up at home. But what is there to worry about? Everyone has followed Mr Johnson’s lead and adopted the three wise monkeys approach and so the pandemic is over. Simplicity itself. Just don’t let the BBC into a hospital.

Here we naturally arrive at how to solve the social care crisis and move on to funnelling more taxpayer money from the state’s coffers and to the tax havens, where it belongs.

Just say you have solved the social care crisis PM and move on! If enough inherited wealth forms a press chorus, if Laura gets all hot and heavy, if Robert stays perpetually baffled and if Marr blames some junior Labour shadow minister for you then it’s done and dusted. The way is then clear to deny the next crisis.
