Passing disruption to lifestyles of Tory MPs is too high a price to pay to eliminate CV-19

Passing disruption to lifestyles of Tory MPs is too high a price to pay to eliminate CV-19

There is nothing the Woke enjoy more than robbing someone better than themselves of joy. You just have to look at the difficulties beleaguered Andrew Neil is having getting his televised midlife crisis crèche for inadequate and damaged men off the ground for evidence of that.

Not content with ruining the simple pleasures of men permanently red in the face the scourge of modern civilisation is also attempting to bring discord to the travel diaries and business itineraries of their rulers.

I speak of course of the howls to curtail the aeronautical activities of Tory MPs and their donors. It is not out of a motivation to protect public health that the bunny huggers act, but out of envy. People who spend their time counting their money to the last penny, the poor, are always driven by an engorged jealousy of those who have too much liquid capital, and not enough hours in the day, to count.

A law requiring every U.K. adult to employ the services of an internationally respected accountant would perhaps settle some of the noise. But I fear even then the rabble would attempt to use the pandemic to upset their betters.

Yes, if we controlled our borders like numerous states have around the world, then we maybe able to use our world beating track and trace system to identify local outbreaks of the mutating virus and continually stamp it out. We could play whack-a-mole and live largely unrestricted the entire time, with a negligee cost to public health, but then what?

Do you really expect your government’s ministers and their sponsors to suffer a few weeks inconvenience just to stop the weak and the poor from disproportionately dying of the virus? Is that what you want? A nanny state?

Shame on you. You have learned nothing from the story of Matt Hancock. To live like that would mean Tory MPs would have to spend a scandalous amount of time with their wives, and not their mistresses.

Momentarily ruin someone else’s self care just so granny doesn’t die of Covid? How very woke of you.
