Now is the time for Tory MPs to submit No Confidence letters in the next Tory Prime Minister

Now is the time for Tory MPs to submit No Confidence letters in the next Tory Prime Minister

Conservatives are famous for their ability to forecast the future. Not just the economy, public services and Britain’s lion like ability to guide other countries to greener pastures. They are also adept are reading the runes of the Party’s future, and its leadership.

The Woke can not do this, which is why they are not in government.

It is clear that the leadership contest of the Conservative Party currently ongoing is simply stage one. It is highly likely we will see another one, maybe two, Tory PMs before Christmas. This is vital to ensure that a Labour Prime Minister is in 10 Downing Street in 2023, when the inevitable IMF bail out is applied for. All this could have been avoided if the Remainers had not determinedly undermined Boris Johnson and his vanished 80 seat majority, and thus Brexit. But we are where we are. We must strike while the iron is not hot, but heating up.

Of course it may not be economic genius Rishi Sunak who next redecorates 10 Downing Street. This is a shame, as he could easily afford his own golden wallpaper, even if it would be in keeping with tradition to have a donor pay for it (out of the kindness of their heart). We could be about to see the third female Tory PM! What an achievement. Margaret became a British saint by eroding the future of the country’s civil society. May showed the Woke what to expect. Those ‘Go Home’ vans early in her tenure at the Home Office gave the green light for Nigel Farage to determine our future. What would Truss achievement? Certainly more than a boom in Instagram stocks merely by the magic of her presence while PM.

Thus Conservative MPs must write two no confidence letters now and send them in to the Chairman of the 1922 Committee. While the idiots in the left wing press will pretend this is a new dawn, as if the past can just be erased by changing the monkey who dances for the organ grinder, we know better. There is not a moment to lose. There is a current and future PM to lose too. To fail to prepare for the next Conservative leadership election now would be to undermine the Party’s reputation for strong and stable government.
