No one claims Churchill’s drinking affected his judgement

No one claims Churchill’s drinking affected his judgement

You can hear a pin drop. In any room in this blessed land, if you ask “Did heavy, constant, daily, continuous drinking affect Churchill’s judgement?” you will be able to hear a pin drop in the telling silence.

The answer is obvious. The question answers itself. It is blatant that for want of a known negative the drinking must have been a positive. Where not English cricketers more dominant when they got plastered before going out to bowl and bat? Does anyone think the triumphant Bodyline strategy was dreamt up by Jardine sober? Hardly. It was magicked into being by half ‘n half, and half ‘n half again down at the Dog and Duck.

All this proves that our current Prime Minister’s alleged love of a tipple is not a problem. You just have to look at his record in government. Would a sober man have attempted what he has? Hardly. If it was good enough for Englishmen to have a Dutch king in the later 17th century it is good enough for our rulers of today to have some Dutch courage.

No more so than because our Prime Minister must be presumed to be a happy drunk. He is his own Falstaff to his Henry V, albeit it’s the Henry dying of dysentery in a ditch in plague ridden France. Who wouldn’t want to get drunk in the circumstances?

Only the Woke would claim contrary to this. And we know what the yoghurt knitters do for pleasure. They dream up ways to further empower the fun police. No. Our Prime Minister will not be tempered by the namby pamby worshippers of tyrant Brussels.

We say drink on Prime Minister! We are sure you drive better drunk too. We need only look at your world beating pandemic achievements, at your empowerment of little, crazed, wannabe fascists in government, to know that so long as your glass is perennially half full England’s will forever be overflowing. What with it’s not entirely clear, but that is besides the point.
