Matt Hancock has proven he has what it takes to be Prime Minister

Matt Hancock has proven he has what it takes to be Prime Minister

The Woke will spend today bending over backwards to defend Health Secretary Matt Hancock after the revelation of his extramarital affair in The Sun. I would expect nothing less from the handwringing demographic.

He has a right to a private life, they will bleat. What he does in his own time is none of our concern, they will wail. And, you try being Secretary of State in a pandemic, with your WhatsApp notifications in meltdown as old friends check up on you, and not have an affair with a colleague.

As is always the case the Woke will be wrong.

The great British public will soon tire of Boris Johnson and everyone wants to know who will govern us next? Who will provide a sense of continuity at 10 Downing Street? Matt Hancock is the answer. That’s who.

Rupert Murdoch has provided the latest in his ceaseless acts of public service by splashing Matt and Gina all over the front page.

It does not matter how his paper obtained the CCTV footage from inside a government premise. It is of no account that Mr Hancock has taken time out of an immense work schedule to enjoy some R&R. Who wouldn’t. What matters is what this reveals about Mr Hancock’s character. It reveals he has the makings of Britain’s next Prime Minister. He has hit so many bullseyes on the Johnson PM attribute chart it’s almost incredible.

Let us review that checklist and see how Hancock mirrors Johnson.

Extramarital affair with friend and colleague receiving public funds? Check

Ability to shapeshift and be blown by the wind? You only have to remember Mr Hancock’s sterling efforts on the Prorogation of Parliament to see he has nailed that.

Willingness to expose his family to the heat of scandal? Full marks Matt. Father of the year territory.

He can also twist the truth on demand, just like the Prime Minister.

There are numerous other alignments between Mr Hancock and the current residents of Downing Street. Let us make no bones about it. Matt Hancock has now proven he has the qualities required to govern in the manner of the current Prime Minister.
