It’s typical of the Woke to not only want a home but to be able to heat it

It’s typical of the Woke to not only want a home but to be able to heat it

Did the generation that fought in WW2 do so in vain? Did the band of brothers that followed Henry V to victory in France fire their slings and arrows for nothing? Were the castles built by Edward II to subdue and civilise a brawling rural landscape a waste of bricks and mortar? Have we spent decades as a country refining a complex system of tax efficient havens only to have all that hoarded wealth just flood out because a few pensioners may get a sniffle? Winter is coming! What do you expect?

The questions answer themselves. Once again the Woke are at it, mock pitchforks raised in simulated indignation against the achievements of their betters. It’s as if we’ve spent decades demolishing the concept of “accident of birth” just to have some hairy yoghurt knitters attempt to exhume and revitalise it.

Let us say it loudly again for those slow of hearing at the back. IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF INHERITED WEALTH THAT YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO BUY ENERGY IN A FREE MARKET. You simply need to work harder. Lack of regulations gives you a plethora of choices. Did any of the millionaires in the current Conservative government splurge on avocados and artisan coffee before they’d been given their first Rolls Royce? I hardly expect the Woke to be able to answer that. Far too self-interested in the plight of their fellow sufferers.

Have we grasped the torch of liberty from the wizened hand of Brussels only for it now to blown out by the cold winds of October? But those winds aren’t just the ones from the north. No. No. No. They are the chattering teeth of the PC gone mad brigade who believe a child should not be taught to work for warmth.

How will the UK ever become great again while it allows the internal enemies to point at a few stray logs on a Hastings beach. How will the UK keep its mantle of world leader if we allow those who would be the rot inside our foundations to demand not only a roof over their heads but the ability to heat it, and eat within it!

Truly the UK has arrived at a sorry pass when its citizens do not expect to make willing sacrifices in order to have the wealthiest fossil fuel suppliers on the planet.

How are we to compete with the Americans, the Chinese and the Russians if we are dragged into the cul-de-sac of communism that is a windfall tax on profiteering energy producers. We must now hold fast. If we steal our resolve we can wait out the winter riots. The hoi polloi will soon exhaust itself and grow numb by the cold ash on their grates.

None of this would have come to pass if we had never been seduced into the green agenda. We can just be thankful that David Cameron and George Osborne had the vision to “cut the green cap” when they did, or we wouldn’t have a petrochemical industry with abundant profits to envy today.
