It’s typical of the EU’s efforts to undermine Brexit that EU supermarkets still stock food

It’s typical of the EU’s efforts to undermine Brexit that EU supermarkets still stock food

It is no surprise that British supermarkets are doing their utmost to make Brexit work by replacing food with photos of food in British supermarkets. Sadly it is also typical of a recalcitrant Brussels that they have so far failed to copy U.K. supermarket standards.

It is clear that it is time for LORD Frost to go to Brussels, taking the Delta variant with him if possible, and bring the childish EU into line with mighty Great Britain.

The stubborn refusal of the weaker player in the Brexit saga to also replace fresh fruit and vegetables with photographs of what fresh fruit and vegetables look like is no surprise. It is depressingly familiar. It aligns exactly with other EU efforts to sabotage the will of the British people to dwell in the 19th century, in trading terms.

One only has to recall the German automakers and how they failed to fulfil their promise to the first, and perhaps the greatest, Brexit Secretary, David Davis. Have you seen any evidence yet that Audi or BMW or Mercedes have demanded Brussels empty EU supermarkets of varying fresh produce lines? No. You have not. Just typical.

Clearly the great British public can not be expected to tolerate such spitefulness, especially with our current trucker driver shortage. It shows the EU’s immaturity emotionally that they have decided to seize on this baffling act of God to rub our noses in their photo free produce aisles. Pathetic.

Tonight even it is already too late for unelected bureaucrat Lord Frost to go to Brussels. May I suggest he first visits Tesco in Milton Keynes and photographs the photographs of what the backward looking EU is doing to stop Global Britain creating Empire 2.0.

It is to be expected that Ursula von der leyen presents herself, on bended knee, before our sovereign Carrie Johnson and begs for forgiveness. If this fails to happen we should warn the childish EU they can forget about English sparkling wine at their desperate little summits.
