It’s time Tory MPs condemned Churchill for becoming PM during a war

It’s time Tory MPs condemned Churchill for becoming PM during a war

Consistency is the key to a successful Conservative rule and it is obvious that the current crop of Conservative MPs are exceptionally consistent. Whether it is lying to the Queen to illegally prorogue parliament, punishing refugees for their accident of birth or raising taxes on ordinary hardworking men and women, while overseeing a system that allows the wealthy to dodge contributing to society, 2022’s Conservatives have not once let the side down. To expect them to suddenly diverge from their mission to debase the Mother of Parliaments is naivety on an epic scale. Too many careers now depend on supporting the PM to worry about standards of governance and reputations damaged.

Happily their slavish loyalty to Mr Johnson is just now an unpleasant fact of life that the voters must suffer. Consider it the equivalent of wearing a truss to bind up a worsening hernia rather than undergo the pain of treatment. Sure the intestines of our once great parliament are spilling out onto the sidewalks and being ground underneath passing carriages, but who cares? If you do you’re just envious that you’re not involved in the racket.

Of course lily livered, wet, snowflake, woke, libtard, handwringing elected representatives would now be braying outside the door of No’s 10&11 Downing Street. The proven fact of something as minor as having a Prime Minister found to have broken the law and misled Parliament would make them melt.

How firm their commitment to personal advancement and party loyalty over the rule of law would be apparent. The country would be doomed to the spectacle of a leadership contest and the dour prospect of also gaining a Chancellor of the Exchequer with a vague understanding of economics. Happily the Tories are in power and such willy wobbling is less likely.

Now the Tories must really hammer home the upside down, back to front, don’t believe the evidence of your eyes style of their government. As one they must immediately condemn Winston Churchill for becoming Prime Minister during a time of war. This must happen today alongside their trotting out of the wholly adequate justification that Mr Johnson can’t be forced to stand down because another country thousands of miles away is experiencing a conflict.

Nothing must stand in the way of Mr Johnson’s personal ambitions and what he is doing to us all. Not even Winston. To cement the moral victory over the past it would be just so if a statue of Boris was to replace the one of Winston overlooking parliament.

What you erect in public says a lot about who you are and Mr Johnson is stiff and always at the ready to shag the country into the carpet. To support him is to profit. Well, so long as you’re a member of his cabinet. As to the rest of you? Who cares. It’s just Boris being Boris.
