It’s time to tear up MPs’ current pay and pensions deal and have Liz Truss negotiate the new one

It’s time to tear up MPs’ current pay and pensions deal and have Liz Truss negotiate the new one

Good leaders lead by example. This is self evident. What is also self-evident is what a good leader Boris Johnson is. He displayed his leadership qualities when he went into a hospital heaving with pandemic cases and shook hands until he bally well caught the virus. You didn’t see the prime ministers of the last Labour government doing that. No sir.

As the country remakes itself post a successful Brexit it is now time for another robust and undeniable show of leading the ship. We all know what is meant by the phrase “tear up Brussels’ red tape”. Post Brexit Great Britain will not become the greaterest unless a scythe is taken to workers’ pay and conditions. Also clearly pensions. The U.K. may have the lowest pensions in the developed world but that is reason to be encouraged to greater effort. We can not rest on the laurels of 11 years of Conservative government now.

The Woke of course won’t be content with just forcing footballers to kneel. They will move on to pay, entitlements and pensions. We must plant the staff now and say “NONE SHALL PASS!” and we must do it standing up.

This is where our MPs can make a further example of themselves. They must now tear up their current pay, expensive, entitlements and pensions deal and demand a new pact is negotiated.

For this to have impact sufficient to impress on Global Britons that all who aren’t in government will now live on starvation wages Liz Truss must be chosen to lead the renegotiation of MPs contracts. We’ve seen her world beating work with Lichtchenstein. She is the one to do it.

The MPs must not complain. Anyone worth their salt has already negotiated a PPE deal for their sister’s company that sees their Westminster salary as a forgettable embarrassment.

Do it for Great Global Britons MPs! Do it to make an example of yourselves, as you have been doing since the 24/06/16.
