It’s time for Michael Gove to offer the PM his full support

It’s time for Michael Gove to offer the PM his full support

Wokeness is the viral plague of our times and it can strike anyone, anytime and no mask can mask the symptoms. There is no social distancing from an insidious attempt to paint Great Britain’s glorious history as less than railways for every man, woman and child on the Earth. Whether or not they asked for them. Worse still, you can not vaccinate your way out of this pandemic. You have to fight it with flags.

Due to Wokeness today is a day to mourn, because today we saw a mighty star splutter and fizzle out. Today Dominic Cummings revealed he is now Woke. How he became is not clear, only that he is. This was plain by his attempt to bring down the reincarnation of Winston Churchill. Everyone knows who you mean when you say that.

Here is where Michael Gove is needed.

Mr Gove must immediately request the podium is placed out of the front of 10 Downing Street. He must have his wife join him, assuming she is not detained by building voodoo dolls or another of her favourite past times. His children must join too and if they do not have a dog then they must borrow one. Flanked by his family Mr Gove can give the speech the nation needs to hear this sad day.

Michael Gove can offer the Prime Minister his full support. He can rebut the slurs against Princess Nut Nuts.

Who would talk ill of a young woman who offered comfort to an older adulterer made forlorn by his wife’s cancer? It’s only human feeling. Something the Woke are supposed to like.

Michael Gove can give the speech Global Britain waits for. “I offer the Prime Minister my full and unconditional support. Now if you will excuse me, Dominic Cummings is waiting inside with a book of curtain samples and we must go and take a look.”
