It’s time EU came to heel on trade borders or faced the consequences

It’s time EU came to heel on trade borders or faced the consequences

Brexit Britain is a nimble behemoth striding across the Atlantic with the trade waters at its knees, its empty hands ready to seize new opportunities. The failing EU tyranny left behind, shrinking on the horizon of Continental Europe which is also best left behind. If the EU is not careful we will soon be invisible. It needs to catch up fast. It needs to follow in our wake before the swirls evaporate.

That the unelected technocrats ruling the tyranny have not yet embraced the new power dynamic tells in the adherence to legal agreements. It’s the daily crisis EU manufacturers have getting their second rate produce onto our first rate shelves. Their retailers now complain of too much stock to sell. Ours know who is to blame for their emptying shelves. It’s not the Brexiters. They were ready to accept the EU’s admissions of defeat. But all we get is denial of consequences.

When will they learn?

If they want to sell us their fruit and vegetables they have to accept the new realities. Brexit does not see or yield to the third country rules we helped write as EU members. We are free of rules. We are now a fully sovereign, free trading nation unbound by the petty bureaucrats, much like North Korea or Antartica. Our relationships with other countries now mirror the dynamism of our Prime Minister’s personal life. The EU will always wait for that late night text or call, there is nothing to worry about.

Indeed, while their basement press constantly obsessed on Brexit we barely mention it, except out of pity.

It’s time the EU came to heel and gave up on rules about trade. If they’re not careful they’ll soon be unable to buy or sell anything with us at all. And who will look silly then?
