It’s a sign of the PM’s efficiency that his staff start drinking so early on weekdays

It’s a sign of the PM’s efficiency that his staff start drinking so early on weekdays

The unwarranted jealousy over the convivial and relaxed atmosphere of 10 Downing Street is all too readily apparent this week as the baying hounds of Woke attempt to shame our noble, hardworking Prime Minister over a tipple or two. Oh you know they’d just love to work for someone who pops a cork mid-afternoon regardless of what’s happening outside. But they did not have the foresight of the right accident of birth. They have not earned it. It is no surprise they seek revenge and to use something as trivial as a few illegal gatherings. Don’t they have illegal raves to attend at some derelict barn in Devon?

None seem to take a moment to pause and consider how it was possible for Mr Johnson to host so many lockdown law breaking soirée’s in the first place? What it says about his character. His Blitz Spirit!

The nation was in crisis. A sudden and unexpected plague had struck the country without warning, due in part to the secrecy with which the EU27 countries approached the pandemic, before exporting it to us. We had no warning. We are lucky Mr Johnson had the vision to only delay the required lockdowns by weeks and not months. Yes. We only had one man available to guide us to the sunlit uplands of a post-pandemic land, and that man was Prime Minister Boris ‘Let the bodies pile high’ Johnson.

Who else would have thought to seek PPE supplies in such novel places as Florida?

Now though the pandemic survivors seek a scapegoat for their guilt and they turn on our modern, viral Churchill. Of course they do. Envy of one’s betters takes many forms. Attempting to shame the PM for his care and concern over his staff’s mental health during the plague is just the latest grisly turn in the carnival of wokeness that threatens the very fabric of our country.

The detractors have no shame. They will not be satisfied until Mr Johnson has been hounded out of office like so many off licence empties. Do they give no thought to the war in Ukraine? Mr Johnson’s actions are those few could do. Who could think of another British Prime Minister who would allow the arms shipments, the pretence to providing refuge for the refugees and at the same time ensure healthy profits for an under fire oil and gas sector?

We Britons must come together as one to say enough of the witch hunt! If a man can not break laws what is the point of him making them? Someone has to test them to destruction and Mr Johnson has put his career on the line to do just that. We should be hailing him as the greatest political scientist of our generation. Not as the petty and serial lawbreaker some see him as. He is a symbol of our political class. There is no need to imagine what the Mother of Parliaments is capable of next, so long as Mr Johnson remains in post.

These parties show his work ethic. They could only have occurred because he runs such a tight ship the work of government is done each day well before the toil of the humdrum and envious serfs who fester in the burbs.

For m any years the commentariat have bewailed the UK’s productivity problems. Now we have someone who has solved them and celebrated it with a toast. So they wish to bring him down? Do not stand for it Prime Minister. Sit for it. You don’t want to spill your wine. You’ve earned it.
