Is it time Sunak explained luxuries like food and heat will not make a success of Brexit?

Is it time Sunak explained luxuries like food and heat will not make a success of Brexit?

If it was not now high time the Great British public tightened its belts, after the years of excess in the burbs, then when will it be? One can only be grateful that the people tasked with the heavy responsibility of managing the fiscal crisis are the people who caused it. In times like this we need experienced hands at the helm. Hands that have counted money since the day they were born. Heads that know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

You only have to take a moment to imagine the calamity for the wealth providers of Britain if the needs of the great unwashed are placed over the needs of greed. Greed is good. What use is a pair of dirty, cupped hands compared to a bulging, tax dodging, offshore bank account? When the race of life is run you take into the next life what you inherited in it. Excess wealth must be preserved so that when the high and mighty of Britain present themselves at the pearly gates they have the means to hand to purchase entrance.

Luxuries such as food and heating will not make a success of Brexit. The people must be starved into submission to acknowledge this, if need be. They must shiver and shake through the chill of the night if they can not grasp that their government pursues higher goals than the mere survival of people whose children refuse to work.

Indeed a bonfire of regulations involving outdated child labour laws could go far to improve individual household budgets. So too encouraging the struggling masses to once more dance the conga and celebrate Britain’s achievements.

Who can forget the great dance of 2020 as the plague raged! Did Britons hide then? No! We celebrated with bunting and long viral lines in the suburbs of this green and pestilent land. No one was cold that day! There is a lesson in that for all of us.

Mr Sunak must not be pressured into actually understanding economics. He must hold fast to the course he has set under the banner of trickledown economics. If you relax the pressure on the people they will just grow fat and lazy right when we need them lean and hungry.

The sunlit uplands of Brexit free ports and sweat shops are so close now. If we pull back now who will staff the new feudal kingdoms ushered in by the great enterprise begun on the 23rd June 2016? Hold fast Britannia. Do not look to your government to solve your problems, the government is solely there to be the cause of them.
