If  we solve the cost of living crisis the Woke win

If we solve the cost of living crisis the Woke win

Great Britain knows about sacrifice. We know who and what to place upon the altar of progress and how to sell it to the populace. Squeeze to the point where the pip squeaks, and then relax for a moment. It is no mystery that the great ideological struggle of our age must necessarily be played out against a backdrop of food banks.

The food bank sector has experienced growth commensurate with the tax haven industry over the last decade or so. A wonderful balance which exemplifies what is important to win in the game of life. If you feel the intelligent use of offshore territories does not receive enough plaudits, even as money flows unceasingly from Blighty’s shrivelling public services to wherever, take a moment to consider how long you have to wait now for a hip operation? The emaciation of dental provision and the costs for broader society that comes with it. The subtle shaming of children in English schools via food and extracurricular activities? We do not simply throw violin lessons and art classes at the great unwashed anymore. No more do we attempt to deceive low born children as to the truth of their birth, and the birth of their betters. We are above all a very honest country and live that truth in our educational and health policies.

Now is not the time to lose our will! The people must be governed or we will not recapture the glories of the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries when Great Britain brought railways and civilisation to the world.

You may think it a trifling matter to spend a few extra pounds of tax raised off the backs of the aspirational classes to fund early years childcare, or some other indulgence, but think then of the longer term consequences? How can a people no longer distracted by making ends meet be governed if they have time to think?

If they have time to think they may grow soft and that is when the Woke will enter the bloodstreams of their minds and decide that perhaps a tax on unexpected energy sector profits is a good idea, if it means someone passed their usefulness can get a hip fixed in a timely way.

Perhaps we should properly fund the agencies that follow the complex flows of money into and out of our great capital city. Enter dirty. Emerge clean. What a wonderful service. Money that was unusable is once again valid and can be put to work in the luxury ship building sector.

No. Now is not the time to soften our will. If we solve the cost of living crisis the Woke will win and how then will Great Britain be governed? Crikey! They’ll have us rejoin the Single Market and Customs Union in order to lower the cost of living, or some other superficial indulgence. We may even find ourselves at such a parlour state that our Prime Minister has to pay himself to redecorate his interiors. We have not maintained a monarchy, even as they’ve fallen across benighted Europe, just to suddenly declare someone’s life chances should not be predetermined at birth.

Hold fast! There is the chance to take affordably priced champagne off Lidl’s shelves. To rid Britain of avocados. To rear a generation fit only for work in the fields of this green and pleasant land who see a piece of onion and a scrap of beef ligament wrapped in a kilo of hard baked flour an even exchange for twelve hours hard labour. But in order to do that we must ensure that there is no heat or eat choice anymore.
