If the working poor won’t fight over food WW2 was for nothing

If the working poor won’t fight over food WW2 was for nothing

To change a nation to fit the vision of a great man great sacrifices are needed on behalf of the nation. The people must rise and populate the stage of the visionary leader who takes them to new, sunlit uplands. The people of Great Britain are embarked on such a journey currently and they have the leaders to lead them as deep as necessary into delusion.

Of course everyone must do their part. Be they low born and destined to serve the mighty, or be they one of the 1% selected by divine right to govern. You will need to make sacrifices to make a success of Brexit. But what of it? They are badges to be worn with pride.

This is where the working poor must step up and help their betters. Mr Johnson will deliver you that lovely day tomorrow, but only if you assist him by having a terrible day today.

Do you really need all that food anyway? Do you really need the lights on all winter? Do you not own a jumper? Do you not wish to shout TAKE THAT BRUSSELS! WE HAVE BLITZ SPIRIT! As the weaker races of Continentals hunker down afraid of the dark and cold in their insulated, heated homes with embarrassingly gluttonous plans for supper?

You can do this Britons! You can be mighty again! You can take whatever deprivations are needed to make Brexit a success, even against the odds. What is there to worry over if your elderly parent must wait weeks for some optional medical procedure to restore basic movement? They should think themselves fortunate to still be alive at this stage in the pandemic, with this government.

How can you bear to see your children hungry, you might ask? Is it because you lack patriotism? You must to even ask it.

This is where the great people chosen by God to level up the world show the world what they’re made of!

FIGHT! Fight over bread on the pavements! If you’re not prepared to suffer as much, or worse, then previous generations their sacrifices were for nothing. And you wouldn’t want that now, would you?
