If the French had not won in 1066 we would now be as happy as Finland or Norway

If the French had not won in 1066 we would now be as happy as Finland or Norway

They never shut up about it. Daily they boast. It’s like listening to pub bores talk about the time the team they were not a part of won a football championship. I am not talking about the French, but rather the Scandinavians and their standard of living.

Clearly it is not the way they manage their parliaments or their rates of taxation. It must be the climate. Maybe it’s the brief glimpses of sunlight which occur at random throughout the year. A huddled people starved of light made jubilant by a momentary glimpse of our closest star.

We English could have been in that happy position too as we have the weather for it. But no. No. No. Non. The French. They could not stand to see us a happy race on our damp island. You just have to look at the Bayeux Tapestry, on route to your second home on the Continent, to see them boast. They need to tell us they got one over us so bad they went to the trouble of 70 metres of needlework? What a bunch of bores.

You do not see the achievements of Finland’s education system on a great big piece of cloth. Have the Danes gone to the trouble to tell us how much happier they are then us on average by way of even an embroidered hanky? No. They have not. This is a Gallic complaint.

Just think how much happier the UK would be today if the Normans had failed at Hastings all those years ago? We could have all the riches of a Scandinavian country, and the weather! Which we already possess by the grace of God Almighty.

The French plan long term. This is obvious. Our current misery is not the fault of the Tories, it was a 1,000 years in the making. And who was defeated by William the Conqueror on that long and brutal day in October? Harold II, the last Saxon king of England. Saxon, ie a German. There you have it. You know who to blame when your GP starts charging with the ferocity of an underfunded dentist.
