If the Colonials don’t want him Djokovic should come to a place that welcomes viruses

If the Colonials don’t want him Djokovic should come to a place that welcomes viruses

There was always a risk that an independent Australia would go the same way as all former colonies and turn Woke. Without the guiding hand of Mother England civilisation soon curdles into something almost unrecognisable to Global Britain. World beating tennis player Novak Djokovic is now experiencing that sorry situation first hand as he languishes in an outback prison cell, pick in hand, waiting for the Sun to pass its zenith and the cool evening to descend.

Clearly the only obstacle that a person should ever be presented to overcome to enter a country should be their personal bank balance. Mr Djokovic is self-evidently wealthy enough to pass even the strictest points based visa criteria. His bank account wins the game, the set and the match. What else needs be considered?

Of course a country barely on the global map would take the opportunity to express its envy of a man’s wealth in petty border rules. Do any here know how much cheese Australia is able to export to Japan? How much pork to China? How much PPE it buys off fragrance sellers located in Florida? The answer to all questions is of course no.

The Antipodeans are attempting to conceal their green eyed nature behind a veil called public health. No exceptions to the rules are allowed. They need only look to their former rulers to see the benefits of setting rules around the lifestyles of the rich and powerful to see the benefits during a global pandemic.

If the Australians do not want his custom Mr Djokovic should simply shake his head in subtle disdain and leave. England waits to welcome him with open arms. He should come to a country where viruses feel welcome. Where the border rules are purely for show. Where a man of means can have his underlings navigate a path through the regulations with ease, while quietly smirking at the poor who do not have the means to do the same.

To seize the moment the UK’s Prime Minister in waiting, Liz Truss, should pick up her red phone and give him a quick call. A bank balance needs no vaccination certificate and contempt for the rules the plebs are yoked to makes Mr Djokovic cabinet material. Perhaps even a peerage awaits as reward for a man bold enough to distract from the public from Conservative Party’s troubles, after a suitable donation to the Party coffers of course.

Leave the colonials to their isolation and come to Blighty. You and whatever maybe swimming in your bloodstream will always be welcome on our shores. It’s what gives post-Brexit Britain the edge in the competitive world market in RNA variations.
