If Nigel Farage does not sell out Wembley Stadium the Woke will win

If Nigel Farage does not sell out Wembley Stadium the Woke will win

The Woke love nothing better than silencing a true, self-professed patriot and recent events in America will show that distance offers no tyranny to the fanatics of cancel culture. The fate of Nigel Farage is a warning to all. All those thousands of tickets booked via the internet. It should be illegal. His pockets must be filled to the brim in thanks for his service.

It would not be going too far to say that the Prime Minister should legislate to ensure that when right wing intellectuals decide to hold rallies they are well attended. It is now long overdue that national service returned to assist the nations soft and hard fruit growers. The idle youth, their endless free time spent in the chat rooms of Antifa, would benefit hugely from some honest toil in the midday sun. We must look to the health of their tender minds as well as their flesh. National service would see rallies by Mr Farage well attended by the voters of tomorrow.

It is not clear though that Downing Street fully overestimates the danger to our history that was signalled by the tearing down of the innocent statue of a slaver. If they have not yet seen the graffiti sprayed on the wall of the national psyche than the way Mr Farage was cancelled by the far left must surely open their eyes.

The BBC will certainly be happy to televise the triumphant return of Mr Farage to our country, once he has served his time interfering in American politics. It would be a poor show indeed if the man whose thoughts we have modelled our entire future on was left playing the backroom of a Wetherspoons in Thanet. There is a football stadium ready, waiting to have tens of thousands of fit, young minds bussed in at bayonet point, if required.

We can expect cross party support on that matter too. It is not just the Tories that assisted in getting Brexit done. We have taken the bold step into the unknown with Brexit. Currently it may feel we are in freefall so let our feet land on the firm ground. Fill Wembley Stadium! Let the Woke know that so long as men who sung Hitler youth songs in their youth are held up as political stars the navigation of Brexitannia is certain.
