If EU citizens were really our friends they would send petrol care packages in the post

If EU citizens were really our friends they would send petrol care packages in the post

A friend in need is a friend in-deed. Clearly there has never been a better opportunity for friends across the EU27 tyranny to prove the friendships forged over decades of Union are meaningful than the current U.K. fuel crisis.

Clearly this is not a concern of the Woke. Yoghurt knitters abstain from modern forms of transport, preferring the Amish mode of travel. But for vigorous, modern Britons committed to keeping the country moving it is a different matter. How we will generate the income tax needed to pay for the benefit packages of MPs if we can not travel about our daily lives? Does no one think of the gritty work of the pheasant fluffer or the gold wallpaper dipper?

What does Europe do now? They sit back and gloat. Their cartoonists mock us as we struggle with this act of God that no one could reasonably be expected to have foreseen coming as the price of sovereignty. It makes the domestic communists happy too, which is no help to anyone, as they are incapable of seeing units of production as part of a greater whole, interacting together, one impacting the other. Brexiters have the vision, but are hamstrung by a reality that refuses to bend. It is not the fault of the people who delivered the great project of national renewal that it is instead turning the UK into a former Soviet state circa early 1990’s.

It is the fault of Brussels.

How many times have you heard a Commission representative respond to Mr Johnson’s calls for assistance? No times. That’s how many. But where the executive of the empire falls short surely the common citizen has a responsibility to step up?

Go to your petrol stations and fill up parcels and post us our fuel. Imagine the light of surprise on our faces when we receive the care package? When you are suffering from a calamity as we are it is for others to step forward and save our face.
