Great Britain was strongest when its farmers harvested the food they grew themselves

Great Britain was strongest when its farmers harvested the food they grew themselves

The Woke will not toil the soil as required today to make Britain great again. Oh sure they may weave a few baskets from alpaca wool and knit some yoghurt, but it will be a cold day in Hell before you see the country’s premier layabouts busting a gut. No, they will stay in the bubble of metropolitan eliteness and sneer over their foreign avocados.

Clearly legislation must be passed to vex them. That is self-evident good governance. You must appeal to the biases and fears of a minority, take absolute power and retain it by fostering division. FPTP is well suited to this end and celebrated for it. Now the Prime Minister must use that power to tear down the castles of the Woke! Turn them out onto the pavements so they can be sneered upon as they beg forgiveness with dirty and empty, upturned hands.

Once they have been humiliated they will then readily accept their place in the natural hierarchy of Britannia’s renewed social order. Only then may they assist. Once they are mute and subservient. After this they will return to the life of the serf which the rash decision to join the European Union allowed them to escape.

This is a cultural revolution that will take time. How do we keep our supermarket shelves and bellies full until then? Once we could have relied on Eastern European labour to pick our fruit and veg. Not anymore, they have reacted to the British reclaim of our God given sovereignty by betraying us. They no longer come. It is not because we are a plague island, it is because they seek to undermine Brexit. If it was good enough for British patriots to make them second class citizens, extorted and pursued by an energised Home Secretary, it should be good enough for them.

Now we must hide our time. Now we must not only return to using classic, British, imperial measurements for all things from potatoes to patriots, but we must additionally demand our farmers play their part. Do they not already live on their farms? Was this not how Britain was made great in the Middle Ages?

Britain’s farmers must once more not only sow the seed, but assist nature in harvesting it. I do not want to see mere foreign bananas filling all available shelves in the fruit and vegetable areas of my Tesco’s or Morrision’s. I want to see homegrown British produce. As much as one brawny man with a straw in his teeth can feasibly harvest.

The government may have to assist in encouraging farmers by seizing all their farms and selling them to the Tory Party’s Russian and American kleptocratic backers. As tenants the farmers will strive! And we will all survive!
